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About Us

Concerned about climate change and the devastating impact it is already having on Canada, a group of entrepreneurial Canadians decided to pool in their experiences and resources to launch get2net0. We recognize the incredible amount of effort required for Canada and Canadians to achieve their net-zero aspirations and support the opportunity for Canada to emerge as a global leader and role model in showing the way to other nations and their citizens.

Get2net0 is a simplistic yet effective platform which allows Canadian private and public entities to sponsor emissions related Challenges. The focus is on adaptation and mitigation of climate change related problems, including but not limited to, discovery and early-stage planning, technology solutions, logistics considerations, process or chemistry.

Once a Challenge is sponsored, individuals and teams from around the globe compete to provide the best Solutions. For the solution providers, whether they be students working in teams, think-tank members, start-ups or established businesses, these Challenges will provide opportunities to showcase their capabilities by contributing to a net-zero existence and in return be rewarded for their ingenuity.

Challenge by Challenge, and Solution by Solution, we will help Canada and subsequently nations around the world, achieve their net-zero objectives. get2net0 is the leading Social Network and Idea Exchange for like minded organizations and individuals who support the transition to a planet with net-zero emissions.

Together We Will!

“We bring resources together to solve climate challenges”

Meet the get2net0 Team

Nav Bubber, CEO

Engineering, Financial Services, Business Strategy, Innovation, Transformation, M&A, Wealth Management

BE, ME (Cornell), MBA (Queen’s)

CEO’s Statement

The world is waking up to the fact that global warming is real. There are no geographic boundaries to the impact of climate change caused primarily by greenhouse gas emissions. Fortunately, more than 80% of emissions can be controlled, re-purposed or eliminated by utilizing existing technologies and, in many cases, traditional indigenous practices. In support of this, we are working with subject matter experts to launch get2net0.com, a digital marketplace that fosters collaboration among enterprises and innovators to get to net-zero emissions.

Dorothy Warren, CBO

Retail, Corporate & Commercial Banking, Operations Sales Management, Technology, Project Mgmt.

Business & Treasury Mgmt. Cert. (York)

Dave Bumra, CFO

Commercial Banking, Accounting & Taxation, Entrepreneurship, Risk Management

CPA, CGA, MBA (Queen’s)

Advisory Panel

Chris Feltin

Lead Advisor & Investor

Energy Strategy, Planning & Engineering Capital Markets, Equity Research, Corporate Dev.

MBA (Queen’s, BASc (Regina)

JP Gladu


Energy, Renewables, Forestry Corporate Leadership, Indigenous Development

MBA (Queen’s), BSc (Northern Arizona)

Le Luong


Entrepreneur, Business Strategy, Start-Up Expert, Corporate Leadership, Community Service, Athletics

York University

Douglas Reid


Professor of Strategy at Queens University, Board Member, Educator, Consultant

PhD (Western), MBA, BSc (Toronto)

Partha Mohanram


John H. Watson Chair in Value Investing at Rotman Company Valuation, Financial Analysis, Accounting

PhD Harvard, MBA (IIM, India), Btech (IIT, India)

Promoter Investors

Naveed Naseem


Human Resources Specialist, Entrepreneur, Investor

BComm (Mumbai University)

Nadeem Lashkaria


Digital Marketing Expert, Entrepreneur, Investor

MS in Network Security (NYIT, USA)

Bhavesh Bhimani

IT Strategies & Services, Fintech,

Enterprise Financial services,
Business Strategy, Innovation, Transformation

B.Com, M.Com (Univ of Mumbai), MBA (DePaul)

Dev Kandoi

IT Infrastructure Strategy, Innovation & Transformation Specialist

B.Com (Univ of Mumbai), Post Graduate in Information Systems (Charles Sturt University, Aus)

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